We offer two types: Online services and installable software.
Our software and services include:
This installable software can make 2 types of crossword puzzles. It has more powerful formatting options for controlling fonts, box sizes and page layout. It can handle huge puzzles that span more than one page. It can export puzzles to PDF files or to other software, or to the Web as interactive puzzles. It can export interactive puzzles to a www.MyCrosswords.com in one click. It does not do background pictures. The demo does not give free puzzles but upon purchase the unlock code (license) has no expiration date.
This installable software can make 4 types of word search puzzles, including normal, with clues or with hidden message. It gives you more control over your puzzle, such as fonts, which word directions are allowed, and whether letters can be shared. It lets you print your puzzle such that every copy has a different arrangement of letters. It does not do background pictures or PDF files but you can export your puzzle as text or as a graphic. The demo does not give free puzzles but upon purchase the unlock code (license) has no expiration date.
We recommend you use the current version because the last of the dinosaurs have pretty much become extinct. It just wasn't possible to keep them operating in the changing Internet. The one exception is version 1 of the oldest word search maker